* 1973 in Cologne
- Diploma in education (social pedagogy, art therapy), University of Cologne
- Theatre pedagogy (BUT) – acting, directing and teaching, TPZ Cologne
- Acting – training as a stage clown*, Theatre Transit Mühltal
- Systemic counselling (DGSF), Praxis Institut Hanau
- Intergral sound work, Hamburg
- Systemic supervision, coaching and organisational development, Praxis Institut Hanau
If you want to know more:
Further education and training
Pedagogy – experiential education, forest pedagogy, LandArt projects in reflection with group processes, conflict management, trauma pedagogy (Wildwasser e.V.), de-escalation training
Physical training – Butoh (Minako Seki, Henriette Heinrichs, Sabine Seume, …), physical theatre, dance (jazz, modern, step, show dance), stick fighting, yoga, archery, Feldenkrais, QiGong
Voice work after Roy Hardt in Maléragues with various teachers, with Ralf Peters (Cologne /Maléragues) and Anne Heeg (Hamburg), speech training, singing lessons
Acting – posture training, role work, perception training, breathing techniques, energy work, material work, puppetry, transformation
Clown* humour training, rituals, energy work, status work, buffons, ensemble training, solo, duo, Zen, Butoh clown* with Moshe Cohen, Ruppert Schieche, Ann Dargies (Theater Transit), Britta Weyers, etc.
Art – basic studies as a teaching subject, interior design, land art projects with stone, peat and other natural materials; room installations, lighting design with Ulrich Schneider
I have been working as an artist and consultant since my youth. My background is in dance and painting/drawing. I have been able to gather my experience in various groups and have thus filled up my treasure trove of knowledge of human nature.
Since 1994 management of groups (Lebenshilfe e.V. Cologne, Spastikerhilfe Düsseldorf), collective café operation with event planning Cologne
since 1996 Workshop management (neighbourhood projects – experiential education), emergency sleep-in centre for girls RPH Cologne, individual case support (youth welfare office Cologne), Treberhilfe Köln e.V.
since 2002 Theatre pedagogical projects, management of district projects (Cologne, Essen), accompaniment of theatre plays (Junge Kammer Oper Köln, Freie Theater Szene Köln, Darmstadt, Hamburg …),
since 2004 Board work – in:takt e.V. Cologne, Freie Szene Darmstadt e.V., künstLich e.V. Lich (Chairwoman since 2017-2023) – LAKS Hessen e.V. (State Association of Socio-Cultural Centres in Hesse / FRG),
since 2005 Acting, directing and on the road as a stage clown* or character – independent theatre scene „Walkacts“, indoor and outdoor performances as an actress, clown* and with Butoh performances
2008 – 2015 Outpatient family support as a self-employed person, Mäander GmbH Darmstadt
since 2008 Systemic counselling & coaching
since 2011 The art of the clown* as workshops in Cologne (RAST e.V. Cologne) * Gießen * Hamburg * Wetzlar (Hospiz-Akademie Mittelhessen) until 2021 and humour coaching
since 2016 Integral sound work Gong concerts / KangSessions / sound massages
since 2018 „Cosmo Calexika“ – An angel on wheels (special prize for culture in the district of Giessen 2019) ***
2018 – 6/2023 Pedagogical employee children’s home (part-time employee)
2020 Cosmo Calexika *** Star-shaped – An angel on wheels in a special time
* since December 2020 Combination of dance and visual arts (painting)
2021 Project: „DAZWISCHEN zwischen den welten“ (playing with the place and the theme – installations and painting)
2022 Systemic supervision, coaching and organisational development, Praxis Institut Hanau,
* exhibition „Zwischen den welten“ at the KFZ Zulassungsstelle in Gießen May – July 2022,
2nd exhibition „Weltenwandel“ – painting, photomontages, installations (September 2022) „RAUM:“ in Lich
2023 „Self-determined“ – impulse training for body, mind and soul; the art of the clown*;
3rd exhibition „Wandlung“ Dorfkulturladen Eberstadt May – June 2023
Self-employment: systemic supervision, coaching and organisational development – enquiries welcome at https://rayofhope-coaching.com/