The art of the clown*

Discover your own sense of humour, with curiosity in your luggage and immerse yourself in absurd and irritating moments. Just be, let yourself drift in the moment and resonate with what is in the air.

Silence – breath – your own pulse – becoming a leaf, carried by the wind, a planet or a molecule of air. Transform yourself into a stone, a ring or …. Becoming something and experiencing being everything – a real treat! It broadens your horizons and imagination, gives you a new perspective on the world, boosts your self-esteem and conveys compassion.

The figure work is combined with the basics of acting, Butoh as an expression and the philosophy of the clown*: Sharpening the senses, taking oneself seriously, remaining authentic and pausing every now and then. Having fun when we stumble, getting up again and doing what we normally forbid ourselves to do, even without language. Discover the comedy in tragedy, conjure up stories from the hidden and make them visible.

Everyone brings their own talents and idiosyncrasies and expresses them through their own humour. Exaggeration and alienation, cause and effect bring unintentional comedy. And at the same time: concentration on the essentials, hope, strong feelings, courage to act, alert senses…

The tragic-comic clown* loves the world, notices everything, is non-judgemental and looks at the world from his very own perspective.

  • Bodywork – Butoh, physical theatre, modern dance, stick fighting, yoga, Feldenkrais
  • Voice training
  • rhythm
  • Acting – perception training, breathing techniques, energy work, presence, posture, ensemble training, solo, duo, improvisation, object work
  • Getting to know humour and clown* principles

Gather impressions…discover the world…and…conquer with lightness and depth. Be now.

21. – 22. September 2024 in Hamburg
Maintain your stance
presence, complicity and the art of the clown*
Saturday, 21 Sept ’24 from 11am – 6pm
Sunday, 22 Sept ’24 from 11am – 4pm
Location: Der Bewegungsraum im Gängeviertel 
Valentinskamp, 34a (Im Hinterhof), 20355 Hamburg
Cost: €125 – €175 self-assessment

28. September 2024 in Gießen
Complicity and the art of the clown* for taster sessions
from 10:00 – 13:00
Costs € 35.00 – € 70.00 (according to self-assessment)
Location Movement art room Bückingstraße 5, 35390 Gießen

12. – 13. Oktober 2024 in Cologne / Köln
Autumn noise
Letting go, complicity and the art of the clown*
Saturday, 12. October ’24 from 11am – 6pm
Sunday, 13. October ’24 from 11am – 4pm
Location: Freies Werkstatt Theater, Zugweg 10, 50677 Köln (Südstadt)
Cost: €125 – €175 self-assessment

26. – 27. Oktober 2024 Start in Gießen
The art of the clown* and the five elements – 2024/2025_in Giessen
Grounding, root search, deep sea diving, presence, energy work, pausing, humour training, lightness, discovering idiosyncrasies and passions – personality training and enrichment for your own figure

  1. 26 – 27 October 2024 with the element EARTH and autumn
  2. 15 – 16 February 2025 the element WATER and winter
  3. 05 – 06 April 2025 the element AIR and spring
  4. 28 – 29 June 2025 the element FIRE and summer
    Saturday, 11:00 – 18:00 and Sunday, 11:00 – 16:00
  5. 21 – 24 August 2025 Combining the four elements results in the fifth element plus walk act
    Thursday – Saturday, 11:00 – 18:00 and Sunday, 11:00 – 16:00

The Art of the Clown* – Clowns* on Excursion
Walk Act _Four-day workshop Thursday – Saturday, 11 – 18h / Sunday 11 – 16h

Information and registration for courses under Contact